Art Bike Rings Project Applications CLosed

Design an art bike ring with Charlie's FreeWheels and Daniels

Charlie's FreeWheels and Daniels are collaborating with a local metalsmith to create four art bike rings!

We're looking for youth ages 12 to 25 to help us co-design the bike rings over a series of co-creation sessions on Saturdays in February from 1 PM to 3 PM.

Q: What's an art bike ring?

A: An Art Bike Ring is a bike ring that has been decorated artistically! They don’t have to look like the classic ring-and-post design, and can look however you want. We’ll be working with the same metalworking expert who created the Kensington Market bike chain sign to create these one!

Q: Where will the final art pieces be located?

A: They will be right here in our neighbourhood, just a few minutes from Charlie's FreeWheels!

Q: Who can apply?

A: We're looking for youth ages 12 to 25! Our ideal co-design teammates would live in our neighbourhood but we'd love to hear from anyone from any neighbourhood. Anyone who is interested in participating also will need to have access to a computer and the internet so we can work together virtually during our Saturday meetings in February!

Applications are now closed for this project, but keep an eye out for more updates!


We’re hiring an executive director!